Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seeds and fruits


These are the picture that we have cut, to see the seeds inside the fruits

Sunday, April 24, 2011

3.4 Plant Fertilisation

-the male nucleus travels down through the pollen tube into the ovule

- the pollen grains in the stigma germinates and grows downward which leads into the ovule

Diagram of a Lily

Saturday, April 2, 2011

3.3b wind pollination

this is the transfer from the anther to the stigma through air carried by the wind

-light pollen grains so this allow the pollen to move through the air
-anthers (exposed)
- stigma (exposed)

these plants dont have to attract insects so they dont have particular adaptions 
so this reduce the energy needed

3.3a insect pollination

3.3 describe the structures of an insect-pollinated and a wind-pollinated flower and explain how each is adapted for pollination

transfer from the planter to the stigma of the other flower

if pollens go from one plant to another is called cross pollination 

the flower attracts the insects with their signal :
- colour petals
--> insects can see colours
- scents
--> detect the molecules
- value
--> food ( nectaries) / producing fructose

eggs in the plants are called ovules

-pollen as a source of proteins