Tuesday, June 21, 2011


photosynthesis= CO2 +H20--> C6H1206 +02
carbon dioxide comes from the atmosphere,
photosynthesis occurs to reduce the co2 in the atmosphere

feeding= producer--> primary consumer --> secondary consumer
each stage carries around the process such as respiration. respiration add co2 to the the atmosphere

death of the organism, the organic molecules ----> ( bacteria fungi)--> co2

fossil fuels--(oils coals)---> co2
= industrial/vehicles

4.14 enhanced greenhouse effect

--> CO2,CH4, water vapour
= greenhouse gases
- these gases would increase their concentration in the upper atmosphere
--> infrared light from the surface of the planet will be remitted backwards rather than escaping into deep space
= global warming

this will cause:
-melting of ice caps
- raised sea leavels
-ocean current
= climate change, raising the temperation of global warming

4.13 greenhouse gases

fossil fuels -co2/no2/so2
= greenhouse gases
= they absorb infrared light
burning fossil fuels are from factories, vehicles and burning of coals

- cows emit methane gas which is about 9% of the atmospheric gas.

evaporation of water
- forming water vapour
- clouds

- cfc
--> chlorine carbon and fluorine
absorbtion of ultraviolet light

4.12 greenhouse effect

-UV light is from the sun- short wavelength or high energy
--> 50% of the light is reflected back into the space

enhance green house effect-
- the increase in co2 and ch4, will lead to the increase in temperature
- climate change

4.11 gas pollution

- added to the atmosphere when we have the combustion of fossifuels 
--> factories (coals and oils) 
--> vehicles (petrol)
so2 +h20 --> sulphuric acid
= acid rain
which will affect the plants and animals.
--> the top of the tree would be dead
--> the root system would be ruined meaning that they cannot gain calcium and magnesium, resulting in yellow leaves and no growth for leaves
-also fishes wont obtain as much oxygen in the water therefore it will suffocate and die 

-fossil fuels (coal/gas) ------> co
co combine with hemoglobin, which will block the haemoglobin from carrying oxygen 
--> reduce the oxygen circulation
- very toxic and can lead to death

4.7 energy efficiency

pyramid of energy
- in each trophic level only 10% of food will be transferred. 
- energy are used for
--> respiration
--> excretion
--> digestion