Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3.16 DNA and Genetic information

chromosomes= contain 1000's gene
gene loci--> double helix ( theres two, theres a pair to be parallel) --> sugar-phosphate backbone ( no chemical details required) is holding these two strands together
In the center theres a group of molecule called bases which there is 4 different type of base:
-adenine (A)
-thymine  (T)
-cytosine (C)
-guanine (G)
These bases are holding the two helixes they are held together by paring each other:
these are base pairs, these are always found in the DNA, they are glueing together from one side of the double helix with the other
(expand) =ACTGAACCAG : order of molecule this order is the GENE (inside the nucleus/order of bases/number of bases= construction of protein in the cytoplasm--> giving us the characteristic) 

Q: how to each molecule know which one to pair to?

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