Saturday, September 17, 2011

3.9 Male Reproductive System

Bladder- Store urine
Testis-carry out the process of mitosis that produces the gamete called the sperm cell
Epididymis- store the sperm cell
Vas Deferens- carry sperm cells to the penis during sexual stimulation, the tube pulses contracts pushing the sperm to the penis
Prostate-adds about 20%-30% the volume of semens, containing sugars and is also alkali
Seminal vesicles-they are alkali 70% of the semen
Urethra-common tube that join the left and right testes taking the semen down the penis/exit for urine
-carry semen
Penis-  carry sperm cell into the vagina during sexual intercourse

When sperm cell are combine with the prostate and seminal vesicles secretions we have semens. these are carried forward and downwards to the urethan

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