Thursday, November 3, 2011

3.33 Antibiotic Resistance

-Staphlococcus aureus- cause skin infection and lung infection
-if they are infected by staphlococcus aureus they could be treated with methicilline (type of antibiotic)
- this chemical kills the staph.
-MSSA- methicilline susceptible staphlococcus aureus

- there was a random mutation to the genal of staph. and when the antibiotic (methicilline) was applied the bacteria did not die, given the name of resistant form
-MRSA methicilline resistant staphlococcus aureus
- the mutation has created genes in staph which breaks down the antibiotic and it resists the antibiotic which cause bacteria not to die 
- as the antibiotic is used over time the form of bacteria increasingly survives and becomes more common and this is a serious problem in hospitals and the treatment of people with wounds because the antibiotic no longer work. 

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