Monday, February 27, 2012

2.77 - Thermoregulation

Part A:

-Homeo means the same
-statis means the fixed point/ conditions
= This means that the condition is kept the same or constant.

Homeothermic= maintaining the same temperature
- some organism like mammals when the environmental temperature increases or decreases, their body temperature remain constant these are homeothermic organism and carry out the process call thermoregulation
- Other organism body temperature varies depending on the environmental temperature.

Part B:

-negative feedback loop: method of control and maintaining constant conditions
> in humans, our fixed point is 37-38 degrees
> We have receptors of body temperature (internal condition)- hypothalamus (region of the brain) this respond to the stimulus which is the temperature of blood in our body.
> body temperature feed into the brain
> if body temperature need to change (increase or decrease) the effector will make a change such as places like the skin

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