Thursday, March 10, 2011

diagram of a potometer

this is an experiment to demonstrate how the rate of transpiration of plants.

1. use a sharp blade to cut a lead
2. insert the leaf through the hole of the stopper ( which is provided with the potometer)
3. fill the potometer with water and fit the stopper holding the leaf
4. use vaseline to seal all the connections of the apparatus
5.trap an air bubble in the capillary tube by the following procedures:
  • dip the end of the capillary tube into a beaker of water
· close the tap of the reservoir,
  • take away the beaker of water and allow the plant to transpire for a while
  • re-immerse the capillary tube into the beaker of water
6. wait for about 5 minutes for the plain to equilibrate
7. estimate the rate of transpiration by measuring the distance moved by the air bubble per unit time.
8. repeat the experiment and find the average

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